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Anti-gay amendment
Activists claimed victory Tuesday when a judge blocked a city charter amendment that would have removed anti-discrimination protection for homosexuals from a human-rights ordinance.

Gay pride evidenced in New York
New York gay pride march

Gay profs say discrimination is
Homosexual discrimination is not as prevalent at OU as it is in other parts of the country, two gay OU professors said.

Gay profs say discrimination is
Brother and sisterhood in the Greek system took on a new dimension as a panel discussed an open doors policy in sororities and fraternities

Lesbian, gay issues seminar offers class
A three-day seminar focusing on lesbian and gay issues and centered on the visit of a famous lesbian activist will give students an opportunity to earn class credit.

Motion faces
In response to the Student Senate motion to "commit itself to examining the possibility of a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Studies program," an OU senior created a petition to oppose Senate support for such a program.

OU's Open Doors members celebrate Coming Out
Gays, lesbians and bisexuals on OU's campus will not be hiding in any closets this week, but will be freely and openly displaying their own sexual preferences while promoting this week's annual campus Coming Out Week.

Rally stresses
OU's Pride Rally was held at Templeton Blackburn Alumni Memorial Auditorium's West Portico and had the theme of visibility.

Rally supports 'coming out'
To honor OU's gay, lesbian, and bisexual community, Student Senate and Open Doors held a rally at the West Portico of Templeton-Blackburn Alumni Memorial Auditorium Monday at noon.

Request begins for gay:lesbian program.pdf
Student Senate's Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Committee will present a motion to Senate on Thursday supporting the introduction of a gay and lesbian studies program at OU, said LGB commissioners.
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