Browse Items (7 total)

Gay rights law avoids
A group of local residents who opposed December's passage of the so-called "gay rights" law by Athens City Council confirmed over the weekend that they have failed to put a referendum drive together to take the law to the voters.

Gay teens face risks and
Gay teens face risks and intolerance

Passage of anti-discrimination law
Roughly 30 people of various religious denominations gathered in Galbreath Chapel last night to celebrate the recent adoption of a sexual oreintation anti-discrimination law by the Athens City Council.
School-wide awareness program cancelled.

OU to serve as proving ground for non-traditional
A group of Ohio University students took the first step in establishing a fraternity for gay, bisexual and progressive men Friday, when several men were sworn in as the Alpha pledge class for Delta Lambda Phi. OU's is the first colony of the national…

Coming Out Week activities
Coming Out Week kicks off today with "Coming Out 101," and Gay Games night. Betsy McCann, chair-woman of Coming Out Week, hopes to give back to the community the same sense of support and belonging that she felt last year at the candlelight vigil.

OU not open to gay fraternity, leaders
OU LGBT leaders say OU is not open to a gay fraternity
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